Dear Chief


Not Enough Time

Dear Chief - Not Enough Time - Fireman Up Firefighter Cartoon Comic for web
How many times do we like to convince ourselves that we are so busy only to realize, by the help from outside influence, it's more about...
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Happy Mother's Day

Dear Chief Happy Mother's Day Firefighter Cartoon Firefighter comic strip

Can't even count how many times this happened to me while on shift. Especially until you have enough seniority to pick and choose what holiday you can take off. Some places you would be lucky to

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5 Minutes Out

Dear Chief Firefighter Cartoon Comic Fireman Up

Everyone has their opinions on assignments when responding to a scene. Many have SOP's for and some have SOP's against assignments prior to arriving. No matter for or against,

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Checklist Fireman Up Firefighter Cartoon Fire Comic

Over the recent years we have had the ability to add a lot of tools to our toolbox. Especially those that deal with strategies and tactics based on Incident Command. Many of those concepts being taught have really focused on...

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