
Over the recent years we have had the ability to add a lot of tools to our toolbox. Especially those that deal with strategies and tactics based on Incident Command.
Many of those concepts being taught have really focused on completion of a successful Incident Action Plan for so many different scenarios. These concepts have helped improve daily functions for departments and have strengthened our abilities to work successful with mutual aid departments with these shared concepts.
This cartoon is a reminder that these new tools have to have strong foundations in place so we are not repeating the same unsatisfactory outcomes. Train the basics to muscle memory and then train again.
Don't try to survive off of checking boxes. The latest and greatest things/concepts can be great and add a whole new level, but if you struggle with basics don't expect some of the new concepts to be a cure. It will only magnify your weaknesses, and put everyone in danger or at the very least morale will start circling the drain.
"Make" a great day!!